fractions for maths time
Im Raiden and im making a fact about Italia🇮🇹 and also im going to show you some pics
- Pizza was founded in Naples Italy
- Pasta was first introduced to Italy in the 13th century
- There a 350 different types of pasta in italy
- tourist throw 3000 euros into the trevi fountain per day
- Gelato was invented in Florence during the Renaissance
Music Class Ukulele Project
we did some research into the history of the ukulele. we will present this either as a poster slideshow or video. I design a google slide
Toku Oranga
toku oranga click here to see
i read about teenagers for read interest
- teenagers use different parts of their brains
- teenagers don’t care about the consequences
- some teenagers under age drink
- teenagers from 15-19 commit suicide from depression
- teenagers are depressed from little things such as girls being dumb
Others might like the story cause they are interested in teen brains in
I learned that teens don’t think as much because in teens brains they use different parts and they dont care about anything and they are bored all the time Surges of hormones, combined with body changes, struggling to find an identity, pressures from teens and a developing sense of independence, mean the teens are a confusing person to other people.
Cow Facts
1) A cow can go upstairs but not down
2) milked cows drink 343 million litres of water per day
3) Cows can smell up to lOkms away
4) An average farm is 155ha
5) There are 4.9 million milking cows
6) Cows spend 8hrs eating per day
7) The cow types are Holsteim Freisians and Jerseys
8) An average herd is 444
9) Cows eat 70kgs of grass per day
10) Cows have 4 stomachs.
11)Milk is white because its 85% water and the rest is vitamins minerals proteins carbohydrates fats casein and calcium.
12) The first milk bottle was invented in 1884 that’s over 130 years old.
13) Fresh milk can last up to ten days.
I think I drink 3.5 litres of water per day and 350gm per day!
unusual activities
One day i had came back
From camping trip and ever since
Then i have been having the same
dream.And i went back because it
Was like i was dragged there
It looked the same as my dream
(just saying totally didnt copy and paste)
I kinda felt an ominous aura around me
So i went back to my spot to see trees gone and everything destroyed
So go to be… (ROAR) the end chapter two never