1) A cow can go upstairs but not down
2) milked cows drink 343 million litres of water per day
3) Cows can smell up to lOkms away
4) An average farm is 155ha
5) There are 4.9 million milking cows
6) Cows spend 8hrs eating per day
7) The cow types are Holsteim Freisians and Jerseys
8) An average herd is 444
9) Cows eat 70kgs of grass per day
10) Cows have 4 stomachs.
11)Milk is white because its 85% water and the rest is vitamins minerals proteins carbohydrates fats casein and calcium.
12) The first milk bottle was invented in 1884 that’s over 130 years old.
13) Fresh milk can last up to ten days.
I think I drink 3.5 litres of water per day and 350gm per day!